What is the best place to 32 0.080 / 0.105 Shaft Size (ds) - 32 -0.080 / -0.105 buy NNCF4892V NSK CYLINDRICAL ROLLER BEARING +0 / 0.40 Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) - +0 / -0.40 1.200 OD Chamfer Length (Co) online? Bearing Rolamentos do Brasil Ltda. Thrust Ball Bearing Manufacturing Service .

Brand Name:NSK
Model Number:NNCF4892V
Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) - +0 / -0.40:+0 / 0.40
Shaft Size (ds) - 32 -0.080 / -0.105:32 0.080 / 0.105
OD Chamfer Length (Co):1.200
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do):36.000
Bearing number:AST090 3225
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) - 36 +0.025 / -0:36 +0.025 / 0
Bearing Length, Nominal (B):25.000
Outer Diameter (mm):36

Product Details

Bearing Length Tolerance (B tol.) - +0 / -0.40+0 / 0.40
Shaft Size (ds) - 32 -0.080 / -0.10532 0.080 / 0.105
OD Chamfer Length (Co)1.200
Bearing Outside Diameter, Nominal(Do)36.000
Bearing numberAST090 3225
Housing Bore Dia. (Dh) - 36 +0.025 / -036 +0.025 / 0
Bearing Length, Nominal (B)25.000
Outer Diameter (mm)36
Shaft Dia., Nominal (d)32.0000
ID Chamfer Length (Ci)0.500
ID Chamfer Angle (B deg.)35
Bearing Typestraight
Bearing Bore after Mounting (di) - 32 +0.062 / -032 +0.062 / 0
Bore Diameter (mm)32
MaterialWrapped bronze with
Wall Thickness (S3)2.000
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